Start Small Dream Big 2022
Little Growers Go Green @ Riverlife Kindergarten (Phase 2)
The children were briefed on what the project was about on 29th April during the launch party. They were full of enthusiasm and excitement.
During the June holidays, parents were involved in the home project with their children whereby they used recycled plastic bottles to make pots with various designs. This project promoted family bonding. The children brought back their pots excitedly when the school reopened.
The Kindergarten 1 and 2 children started planting vegetable seeds in their recycled pots while the Nursery and Pre-Nursery children planted ornamental plants from cutting. They took turns to water the plants. They watched their seeds grow.
At the end of the term, the children reflected on what they had learnt from the project. Some shared that they learned how to grow vegetables from seeds. Some had learnt that they can make their own pots from recycled plastic bottles. Others learned that plants needed sunlight, water and soil to grow.
Finally the day came for the children to bring their vegetables and ornamental plants home. We could see the pride and joy on their faces when they showed their parents/grandparents/helpers their plants.
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