
Personal Data Protection Policy


This Personal Data Protection Policy Statement sets out how Riverlife Kindergarten uses and protects any personal information that you have consented to provide in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of Singapore 2012. This document contains information about how and why we collect, use and disclose your personal data and the assurance that it will only be used in accordance with this Policy Statement.

Purpose of Collection, Use and Disclosure

Your personal data may be collected in several ways, including but not limited to the following:

  • Administering student-related and/or enrolment related matters.
  • Providing information and/or updates to parents on RiverLife Kindergarten's services, programmes, events etc by sms, phone, email, fax, mail, website, social media and any other appropriate communication channels.
  • Processing of payments or debt recovery.
  • Responding to any enquiries, requests, feedbacks or complaints and resolve any issue and disputes which may arise from any relationship with RiverLife Kindergarten.
  • Maintaining and updating of school records.
  • To comply with any law or the requirements of any regulatory authority.

The personal data that is collected may include but not limited to some or all of the following information:

  • Parents and student's name,
  • Date of birth, gender and marital status,
  • NRIC No / Fin. No /Passport No,
  • Photographs, video images (including captured on CCTV),
  • Mobile, residential or office telephone numbers,
  • Signature and thumbprint,
  • Residential and company address,
  • Financial information such as bank accounts.

While RiverLife Kindergarten will take reasonable steps to protect your personal data against unauthorised disclosure, subject to the provisions of any applicable law, relevant portions of the collected data may be disclosed, for the purposes listed above to the following:

  • Any associated organisations, contractors or third party service providers who provide services to us such as enrichment classes, website maintenance, courier services, vendors.
  • Any financial institutions or collection agencies necessary to establish and support the payment of any services being requested
  • RiverLife Kindergarten's professional advisers such as auditors and lawyers,
  • Relevant government regulators, statutory boards or authorities or law enforcement agencies to comply with any laws, rules and regulations imposed by any governmental authority,
  • Any other party to whom you authorise RiverLife Kindergarten to disclose your personal data to.


  • By submitting your personal data to RiverLife Kindergarten, you agree and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data by us for some or all of the purposes mentioned herein.
  • If you provide us with personal information relating to a third party (e.g. information of your spouse, children, parents or relatives), you represent to us that you have obtained the consent of the third party to provide us with their personal data for the respective purposes.
  • You may at any time withdraw any consent given in respect of the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data by giving prior notice in the form of a formal written request addressed to the Data Protection Officer.
  • In the event you withdraw your consent to RiverLife Kindergarten for the processing of your personal data for the purposes mentioned above, we shall cease to process your personal data within 21 working days upon receiving your withdrawal request. Please note that once consent is withdrawn, your request for any of the above purposes may be cancelled, and hence RiverLife Kindergarten may not be able to fulfill the list of services to you.

Access and Correction of Personal Data

  • If you wish to know about your personal data in RiverLife Kindergarten's possession or control, or how the data has been used or to whom it may have been disclosed, you may write in to the Data Protection Officer.
  • If you wish to correct any personal data in our possession or control, you may write in by filling in a Correction Request Form (available at your request) and return the completed form to the Data Protection Officer.

Accuracy of Your Personal Data

  • You should ensure that all personal data submitted to us is complete and accurate. Failure to do so may result in our inability to provide you with information or services you have requested.
  • RiverLife Kindergarten shall make a reasonable effort to ensure that personal data collected by or on behalf of the Kindergarten is accurate.

Protection of Personal Data

All personal data in our possession or control are kept confidential and are protected by appropriate security arrangements and measures.

Data Protection Officer

Should you have a complaint or require more information, please contact Riverlife Kindergarten at:

Data Protection Officer,
RiverLife Kindergarten
6 Loyang Besar Close,
Singapore 509026
Tel. No. 65114103

Riverlife Kindergarten
No 6 Loyang Besar Close Singapore 509026
Tel: +65 65114103   |
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