Registration for 2025 is opened for
PlayGroup (born in 2023)
from 18 months onwards
Pre-Nursery (born in 2022)
Nursery (born in 2021)
Kindergarten 1 (born in 2020)
Kindergarten 2 (born in 2019)
For enquiries on enrollment, please contact us at 65114103 or email at office@riverlifekindergarten.org.sg
Updated as on 5 May 2024
School Sessions
Daily Chinese lessons are compulsory for all children.
8.15am to 11.15am
Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2
8.15am to 12.15pm
Enrichment Program for Nursery, Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2
12.15pm to 2.15pm
School Fee Structure
Non-refundable registration fee : $50
Deposit : $200
3-hour programme
- Playgroup ($1220 per term)
4-hour programme
- Pre-Nursery ($1370 per term)
- Nursery & K1 ($1320 per term)
- K2 ($1400 per term)
*one term = 10 weeks
Fees will be deducted through Giro or CDA January, March, May and August. All fees paid are neither refundable nor transferable. No GST payable for school fee.
Bus Services
For bus service, kindly contact Shawn at 81896168. Depending on your location and bus route, the travelling time may take as long as 1 hour 30 minutes. The travelling time may also vary from year to year.Documents (PDF)
No 6 Loyang Besar Close Singapore 509026
Tel: +65 65114103 | office@riverlifekindergarten.org.sg